I have found us needing a quick lunch on a few occasions. So, I thought I would purchase an Annabel Karmel meal to try, and then review for you.
I’m not usually one to purchase pre made meals/pouches as I personally like to cook and prefer serving home made as I know what’s in there, but these meals are pretty good!!
Nutritionally, they are sound - minimal salt, lots of veg, good amount of protein, fat and overall energy.
However, it does have added filler ingredients that wouldn’t be in a home cooked version and the texture/consistency was very wet, making it difficult for Franklin to self feed. Having said that, it smelt great and Franklin definitely enjoyed it.
The box says 1-4 years old, however, I can’t see why it wouldn’t be suited to younger babes (some of these meals do contain honey, but the cottage pie does not). The texture is soft enough that it could be spoon fed, and for those that have been self feeding for a few months, whilst tricky to hand scoop, it would still be suitable.
If we refer back to the article on how to read a nutrition label, we can make the following analysis:
Ingredients - whilst there are quite a few ingredients, most are great
Fat - 4.1g per 100g —> good
Sugar - 2.5g per 100g —> low
Sodium - 116mg per 100g —> low