welcome to nourished little bean

Welcome to Nourished Little Bean, your one stop shop to navigating your little ones solids journey - from when you start solids, right through to toddlerhood. My hope inside this membership is to empower you with the skills and knowledge to confidently feed your little bean, irrespective of what issues pop up along the way.
I want this space to be collaborative - if you would like me to include any specific topics, I would love to hear from you. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with your suggestions. If you have any feedback on the membership site (good or bad!) I want to hear from you - it is really important that you feel as though you are getting good value for money and I want you to stick around.
Please don’t forget to join the Nourished Little Bean Facebook group here. This is a members only Facebook group that provides you with the opportunity to connect with other like-minded parents. It is also where I will post the links to our live Q&As, post any updates related to the membership and be available to answer any questions you have posted.
My intention is for this membership to arm you with ALL of the knowledge, and remove the need to see me in my clinic. However, if you do have an issue you’d like some really personalised advice on, I would like to offer you a discount for your loyalty here. If you would like to book a consultation with me, please let me know and I will pass on the discount code to ensure you receive 25% off.
Thank-you for trusting me to guide you through this incredible journey - I really hope you enjoy this space as much as I enjoy creating content for you. Let’s get started!
Aimee x