MONTH BY MONTH GUIDE to starting solids

Month one

The time has finally arrived to start your little one on solids - yay! This is such an exciting time, but one that can bring with it a few challenges as your little one adjusts. In this video and the information below, I will take you through all you need to know to confidently get started, with as few issues as possible.

In this masterclass we cover signs of developmental readiness, setting up your highchair, choosing a feeding method, ideas for first foods, safely preparing finger foods, the importance of building a balanced meal, milk feeds and common issues that tend to arise. An example routine for starting solids can be found here. You can also find my favourite weaning products here. Each of these have individual resources that are linked above.

Lets get started!

Month two

By now you should be feeling a little more comfortable and confident with your little ones solids journey. Your little one has also had some time to adjust to digesting food and mealtimes in general, so at around 7.5 months old, it can be a great opportunity to introduce a second meal.

In this masterclass we discuss when and how to introduce the second meal, introducing some finger foods if you opted to start with puree, safely preparing finger foods, texture progression and touch on common issues like constipation again. An example routine for adding in that second meal, can be found here.

Month three

By now you are likely to have really found your groove, so at around 8.5 months old, it can be a great opportunity to introduce a third meal.

In this masterclass we discuss when and how to introduce the third meal, texture progression, offering food before milk, and common issues like food and/or milk refusal. An example routine for adding in that third meal and offering food before milk can be found here.

Month four

At around 9-10 months of age, your little one is likely well established on three meals. Some little ones are at the stage where they are eating some family meals, others aren’t quite there yet - both are normal and ok.

In this masterclass we discuss texture progression, the likelihood of some milk feed reduction and touch on food refusal and increasing interest in finger foods.

Month five

Thankfully, unless you are experiencing food refusal, there is often very little change at this stage, and you can expect a little reprieve from constant change and adaptations. However, if you have opted to progress through the texture timeline, and aren’t fully established on finger foods, we discuss this progression in this video.

Month six

Much like the rest of parenting, the reprieve you may have experienced over the last 4-6 weeks, is possibly over, and yet again you’re needing to adapt and make a few changes.

In this masterclass we chat about further texture progression, weaning, introducing cows milk and food refusal, as 12mo is a very common time for this to become quite problematic. If you are wondering what your routine can look like after 12mo, prioritising food, a sample routine can be found here.