Meal plan 1

This meal plan is designed for your baby or toddler, with dinner and/or lunch being suitable for the whole family. All recipes are located in the recipe hub.

Where fruit has been listed, there is no specific recommendation – we all have certain foods that we prefer and those that aren’t currently within our financial means. So, base this off what you would usually have in the house and what you can currently afford – there is also nothing wrong with frozen fruit and vegetables, they are full of nutrients and much more affordable.

6 months: cut finger foods into finger length, two fingers wide, firm enough to hold, soft enough to squish between the roof of the mouth and tongue

9 months/well established: cut finger foods into bite sized pieces

Allergies substitutions:

  • Cow’s milk – use milk of choice. I highly recommend fortified soy milk as it most closely resembles cow’s milk, however a fortified oat milk or coconut milk (carton) is appropriate for cooking

  • Egg – instead, you could mash sardines with the avocado and serve with toast, alternatively, offer weetbix or porridge again

  • Greek yoghurt – use yoghurt of choice. Again, I highly recommend the new Vitasoy soy yoghurt.

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First Week of Solids


Meal Plan 2