Top Tips For Starting Solids

Starting solids can be super overwhelming for many parents, so below are my top tips!!

1. Manage expectations – it can be really hard what to expect when starting our little ones on solids, and oftentimes parents expect a little too much. There will likely be weeks, if not months, of your little one just picking, playing and barely actually eating any food. I promise you this is 100% normal. Eating can seem so simple and second nature to most adults, but learning to eat is a HUGE learning curve and the skill of eating is actually a 20-30 step process.


2. Go slow – many parents get really excited about starting solids, and want to progress their little one quickly to establish them on three meals. I love that parents get excited, but it’s really important to go slow. We don’t want to overwhelm our little one’s digestive systems, nor do we want to overwhelm them from a skill perspective if self-feeding.


3. You don’t have to choose between puree or BLW – contrary to the information you may have seen on some Mum’s groups on Facebook, you can absolutely combine finger foods with puree. There is no harm in doing so, in fact, I encourage you to do so – this ensures you’re exposing your little one to finger foods early, but confident that they are getting a lovely full belly.


4. The Division of Responsibility – I have touched on this in another article, but a reminder that it is your role as a parent to determine when and what food is offered, but it is up to your little one to determine if and how much they eat. Our little one’s have a wonderful ability to regulate their appetite and it’s really important that we nurture and respect that.


5. Portion size – much to many parent’s frustration (sorry!!), there is no set/prescribed portion size for your baby. Every baby is different and how much they eat will be different. Instead of focusing on portion size, focus on building a balanced meal (article) and tuning in to your little one’s hunger and fullness cues.


6. Sit with your baby – where possible, I strongly encourage you to sit and eat with your baby. Infants have mirror neurons in their brain, that encourage them to repeat what they see. If they see you bringing food to your mouth, chewing and swallowing, they will naturally want to copy. If they see you enjoying food, this is reassurance that the food is safe and delicious!!


7. Have fun – your little one’s solids journey should be enjoyable for them and you! Try to relax, don’t over complicate things, remove expectation and enjoy the process. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or you’re unsure of something, reach out in the Facebook group to myself and your fellow parents.




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