stocking your freezer
This question came up in one of our live Q&A sessions, so I thought it might be handy to create a resource. I love stocking the freezer with baby and toddler friendly food, for those days where you need to grocery shop, you can’t be bothered cooking, or you’re really busy (hello post day care/work!).
I will preface this article by saying, there is nothing wrong with serving cereal, toast or a cheese sandwich to your little one on days/nights like these, however, stocking your freezer can help to alleviate stress, and ensure that you are offering a nutritionally balanced meal to your little one – even on those tough days!
Freeze Leftovers
This is a big one, and a lifesaver! We do this for both Franklin and ourselves. If we have a small portion of bolognaise/risotto, curry leftover, that would suit Franklin, we will freeze it in a snap lock back and save for those busy times. These defrost quickly in the microwave or a sink of hot water. You can either freeze an entire meal – rice, pasta etc. included – or freeze just the meat/sauce component. If choosing to freeze and reheat things like risotto, sometimes adding a little water when reheating can be helpful.
Alternatively, on days where you have time, make a double batch of a meal, and freeze family portions – this is particularly good if you are planning on future babies and preparing for post-partum with a toddler!!
Freezer Friendly Food
Some great options, or components of meals, to stock your freezer with are things like:
Frozen veggies (eg. corn on the cob, broccoli, cauliflower, peas and corn)
Frozen fruit – perfect for smoothies or defrost and served on top of yoghurt or with breakfast
Rissoles/burgers/Kofta – all the recipes in the hub are suitable for freezing. I choose to make into individual serves, place on baking paper and freeze until firm, them combine into a snap lock bag for storage.
Muffins/slices – all the recipes in the hub are suitable for freezing. Always slice or freeze individually, so you can grab one out at a time
Cooked vegetables – you can even roast/steam bulk vegetables. Simply cook, then place on baking paper (as above) and freeze until firm, them combine
Helpful Tools
Snap lock bags – either standard or reusable are great for storing lots of an item.
A vacuum sealer – these are a game changer if you find you become addicted to stocking your freezer!! We have a cheap one from Kmart and its lasted so well. It gives you the ability to suck all of the air out of a bag and then freeze flat, stopping any of the freezer ice from accumulating on food and saves room!
Box freezer/extra freezer – again, if you become addicted to stocking your freezer, an extra freezer can be super helpful. It is a costlier outlay, so not an option for everyone, but a great investment if you can afford it. Also enables you to buy bulk meat or frozen fruit veggies.