Food and travel

Traveling is such a fun and exciting thing to do with our little ones, however, can bring with it stress due to being unsure as to how to navigate food whilst away. Below I have some tips and ideas, based on the type of accommodation you are staying in, and some of my recommendations as to what to take with you.


Traveling by Plane?

Depending on whether you are traveling internationally or domestically, will determine what you can and can’t take on the plane. I would encourage you to check with your respective airline if travelling internationally, but for the most part, baby products are exempt from restrictions.


For toddlers, I have used and found helpful as both a means of filling up their tummy, but also an activity, purchasing a little tackle/craft box like this one here, available in dollar stores, most commonly. Outside of this, some foods you could pack:


6 months +

  • Yoghurt pouches

  • Puree pouches

  • Stewed fruit (be mindful of entering other states/countries with uneaten fruit)

  • Roasted vegetable sticks

  • Corn on the cob

  • Pancakes or veggie fritters

  • Shredded meat

  • Chia pudding


9 months +

  • As above

  • Squished tinned chickpeas

  • Pasta tossed in avocado oil to avoid sticking

  • Cheerios

  • Some meltable biscuits (cruskits, sao/jatz crackers)



  • As above

  • Biscuits/crackers

  • Cheese slices

  • Sandwiches or wraps

  • Bliss balls

  • Home-made muffins

  • Dried fruit (18m +)


Recommended Products

If you are staying at an Air BnB, you can actually filter your property search by the child friendly amenities present – highchair, cot, utensils, toys – with many properties having all of the above, which is super handy!


If this isn’t the case, or you’re staying in a hotel, taking along some essentials can be worthwhile to make your life easier

  • Smocks/bibs – particularly when on the go to hopefully avoid multiple outfit changes

  • An insulated lunch bag – most hotels and accommodations will have a small freezer to be able to freeze the block

  • Lunch box

  • Set of utensils

  • A booster seat like the Ingenuity if travelling in the car, or a Phil and Teds Lobster if needing to pack down into a suitcase

  • Reusable food pouch

  • Drink bottle/cup/straw cup

  • If taking your pram, I highly recommend seeing if you can purchase a snack tray for on the go


Kitchen Facility Access

If you are staying somewhere self-contained (Air BnB, cabin, apartment etc) below are some easy to prep foods you could have on hand. However, with a fully equipped kitchen, theoretically, you could prep anything you would at home.

  • Porridge or porridge balls

  • Weetbix or Weetbix balls

  • Toast

  • Eggs

  • Kofta

  • Basic burgers/rissoles

  • Bolognaise

  • Roasted or steamed veggies

  • Roast chicken (either cooked in accommodation, or a pre-made one)

  • Chicken breast/thigh

  • Fruit

  • Yoghurt pouches or tubs

  • Sandwiches or wraps

  • Sardines or tuna

  • Squashed tinned chickpeas

  • Pancakes

  • Chia pudding

  • Boiled egg


Eating Out

Eating out can be a little harder to navigate. Try to remember that yes, we want to keep added salt to a minimum, you are likely only away for a short period, so a week or so of increased salt intake will be fine. Sharing your meal with your baby or toddler can be helpful and save money/waste. Some ideas for when eating out:

  • Burgers (just deconstruct)

  • Toast

  • Yoghurt and fruit

  • Porridge (just ensure no chopped nuts as these are a choking hazard)

  • Chia pudding

  • Eggs

  • Pancakes (just ask to omit fancy toppings)

  • Roasted or steamed vegetables (off the sides menu)

  • Grilled fish or meat

  • Mashed vegetables (off the sides menu)

  • Pasta dishes

  • Risotto dishes

  • Toasted sandwiches

  • Smoothies

  • Sushi


Above all – have fun and try not to stress. If the time you are away results in your little one regressing slightly with food, most kids will effortlessly get back on track after a week or so of their usual routine and offerings.


Protein deep dive


food “regression” vs picky eating