building a balanced breakfast + ideas

Breakfast cereal and bread get such a bad rap in the nutrition space. Whilst in isolation they aren’t a particularly balanced meal, the can form the perfect foundation for one. Breakfast cereal and breads are both typically rich in carbohydrates, with a large component of the ingredients being grains. What I would suggest first and foremost when picking a bread or cereal is to opt for wholegrain options – this means the grains are in their most natural state and contain all components of a grain, thus making them more nutrient dense.


When adding to bread and/or cereal, it is important to try and add a protein and/or fat component to these meals. This not only ensures the meal is as nutrient dense as possible, but also helps sustain fullness in our little ones until the next meal. This is particularly helpful with our more selective/picky eaters, who can tend to graze as they are fonder of those beige carbohydrate based foods.


In the ‘Supermarket Products’ section of the membership, I have included a bread and cereal category and added in my top picks of the two – these can be used as a base to a great breakfast.



  • Cereal

  • Bread

  • Oats

  • Vegetables

  • Fruit

  • Beans



  • Eggs

  • Meat (leftovers from dinner)

  • Tofu (silken tofu scrambled is similar to scrambled eggs)

  • Ground nuts

  • Chia seeds

  • Hemp seeds

  • Nut butters

  • Avocado oil

  • Avocado

  • Greek yoghurt

  • Cheese


Breakfast Ideas

Keep in mind that anything can be a breakfast – in western society, we have associated cereal and bread with a breakfast, but you can absolutely offer meat and veggies, leftovers to your little one as they have no preconceived ideas about what breakfast foods are. Below are some balanced breakfast ideas for you to consider!


Cereal Based

  • Family friendly porridge*, topped with berries and nut butter

  • Weetbix balls* w fruit (+/- rolled in granola*)

  • Porridge balls* w fruit

  • Cereal w fruit and ground nuts/chia seeds/hemp seeds


Bread Based

  • Toast w smashed avocado and scrambled eggs

  • Toast w smashed avocado and tofu scramble

  • Toast w a veggie loaded omelette

  • Dippy eggs w toast soldiers (+/- smashed avocado or avocado fingers)

  • Toast w nut butter and sliced banana w chia seeds

  • Toasted sandwich w scrambled eggs, cheese and avocado

  • French toast w nut butter + fruit

  • Toast and quiche/eggy muffins loaded w veggies

  • Breakfast burrito – scrambled eggs, avocado, roast sweet potato, cheese



  • Baked beans* w scrambled eggs and avocado fingers

  • Pancakes* w nut butter + strawberry chia jam

  • Roasted veggie fingers (inc. a starchy vegetable like sweet potato) w scrambled eggs

  • Meat and veg leftovers

  • Smoothie* – oats, milk, fruit, spinach and nut butter (+ toast)

  • Chia pudding* w yoghurt + fruit


managing sickness and getting back on track


building a balanced snack + ideas