7.5 - 9 Month Old Routine

At this stage, you’re likely to be well into your solids journey and hopefully loving it!! 7.5 months old is a fabulous time to introduce a second meal to your little one, aiming to introduce a third around the 8.5-9-month mark. This will have been ample time for your little one’s digestive system to have adjusted, and if you’ve gone down the finger food route, your little one will have picked up some wonderful skills. I have based the below routines on a two-nap schedule, but some little ones may still be on a third.


If you chose to start your solids journey on puree, now would also be a good time to start to introduce some finger foods. Your little one is still within the “Window of Opportunity” a period of time in which they are really open to lots of new flavours and textures – something that is typically missing in a puree based diet. This does not mean that you need to ditch purees and only feed your little one finger foods, it simply means that you should try to offer some finger foods alongside puree meals.


0700 awake + bottle

0930 nap 1

1000 awake + bottle

1100 solids

1200 bottle

1230 nap 2

1430 awake + bottle

1600 solids

1800 bottle

1830 bedtime

+/- overnight feeds


0700 awake + breastfeed

0930 nap 1

1000 awake + breastfeed

1100 solids

1200 breastfeed

1230 nap 2

1430 awake + breastfeed

1600 solids

1800 breastfeed

1830 bedtime

+/- overnight feeds


6 - 7.5 Month Old Routine

