12 Month Old Routine
By 12mo, many little ones will have weaned, or be on the way to weaning milk feeds. Neither of which is necessary, however, is common. Essentially, after 12mo, the aim is for food to be your little one’s primary source of nutrition, with milk feeds being a lovely bonus. As a rough guide, try to offer food every 2-3 hours. Some toddlers will go longer stretches than this, particularly if having milk feeds still.
Below is a sample routine for when your little one hits 12mo. Of course, some families will still have milk feeds in here and this is absolutely ok – you might offer milk feeds upon waking, before one nap and before bed, or you might have milk feeds instead of snacks.
Short/Long Routine
0700 awake
0730 breakfast
0930 nap 1 (30min)
1000 morning tea
1200 lunch
1230 nap 2 (2hrs)
1500 afternoon tea
1800 dinner
1900 bed
+/- milk feeds
Medium/Medium Routine
0700 awake
0730 breakfast
0930 morning tea
1000 nap 1 (1.5hrs)
1200 lunch
1400 nap 2 (1hr)
1500 afternoon tea
1800 dinner
1900 bed
+/- milk feeds